
At L!FE Church, you will find a community of people who know you are more than simply what we see on a Sunday. You have work, family, friends. You’re carrying real worries, fears, hopes, and dreams. You have a story. We believe a church worth your time is a church that encourages you toward Jesus in all parts of your life.

That’s why we’ve built a church that makes sense to people who aren’t “churchy.” We have Sunday gatherings for worship and learning God’s heart through His Word. We have small groups and special events to pursue wholeness in areas like grief, finances, unexpected pregnancy, marriage - the real things that matter to your real life.

Whether you are curious about Jesus or committed to following Him, we want to journey forward with you.

We would love to have you! We gather every week in person and online.

with Kids L!FE
150 Dow St. | Manchester, NH

On Demand Anytime!

Facbook Church Online YouTube

Find out more about us:

Our Story
Kids & Youth

Click here for more information about our theology, positions on social issues and beliefs.

As God pens the next chapters, we'd love for you to be part of the story.

We have so many ways for you to be involved and would love for you to discover your place in the family!!


Without Jesus we are LOST.
When we surrender our lives to Jesus, we are FOUND.
As He lovingly restores us, we become WHOLE.

“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” - Jesus (John 10:10)

What do the rest of the words mean on our wall? They are our core values. Click below to learn more.
Have more questions, need prayer or want to talk to someone? Click Below.

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L!FE Church

150 Dow Street, Suite 2, Manchester NH
Join our gathering every Sunday at 10AM