We value

THE JOURNEY We intentionally connect with people at all stages of their journey with Jesus - from those exploring a relationship with God to long-time followers of Jesus


LIFE TOGETHER  We build transparent relationships, growing together and serving one another as a multi-generational and multi-ethnic church family

IMPACT  We share the good news of Jesus in practical and life-changing ways: personally within our circles of influence, locally with a heart for our city, and globally, with passion for the world

RISK-TAKING  We are a movement of passionate Christ-followers who don’t cling to tradition or comfort but respond quickly to God’s leading, taking sacrificial leaps of faith

BIG CHURCH  We eagerly partner with other Christ-following churches and ministries to glorify God, strengthen one another, impact our world, and prepare for Christ’s return

RESTORATION  We foster an atmosphere of love and safety, where people can discover their identity in Christ and experience healing and freedom


HOLY HABITS  We are committed to seeking God through spiritual disciplines: studying His Word, prayer, fasting, solitude, worship, giving, serving, and resting

WHOLE LIFE GROWTH  We surrender to God’s complete transformation in our lives in spirit, emotions, mind, body, and our stuff.


FAMILY  We encourage: developing God-centered marriages, having healthy family dynamics, breaking cycles of dysfunction, and opening our homes to others}

EQUIPPING  We empower people to fulfill their unique God-given purpose and make a difference for the Kingdom of God

We Believe

The BIBLE is the inspired, infallible Word of God and the authority for life.

There is ONE TRUE GOD revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

SALVATION from sin and into a restored relationship with God is only possible through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

The two ordinances that show our belief in Jesus are: 

WATER BAPTISM after repenting and receiving Christ's gift of salvation

& COMMUNION symbolic remembrance of Christ's death for our salvation.

God reveals Himself SUPERNATURALLY

and the GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT are a present-day reality.

The CHURCH has a threefold mission: 

Worship God, reach the lost, and make disciples.

JESUS is COMING AGAIN soon, to bless and to judge accordingly.